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Great Questions Answered:

Help! I've Burned My Warm Market!

The following question came to me via the home page:
I seem to have burned through my "Warm market" and am not good at just walking up to random strangers, I don't have the money to buy cold prospects, how can I add affiliates to my organization?

This is an excellent question because it's common. I won't answer it the way many people would expect me to answer it or would want me to answer it. But I will answer it truthfully.

The short answer is: If a person is not confident in their ability to prospect, they will find ways to stop themselves from prospecting.

I will not win a popularity contest for my answer but if you look this over thoroughly you'll see that it's the truth.

So let's go back through the question and let me point out something.

"I seemed to have burned through my warm market." This is perhaps where the LACK of confidence in ability exposed itself. If a person sees that what they did didn't yield any result or even worse might have caused some damage or strain on those warm market relationships, then the person might decide they're not good at walking up and talking to strangers.

They might also conclude that selling their TV and cancelling their subscription to cable so they have the money to buy leads would probably be a waste of a good TV.

A person very confident in their ability to prospect wouldn't think twice about CREATING the money to buy leads, buy newspaper advertisements, send out post cards to their local zip code, etc. So where the person who asked this question said, "I don't have the money" they were really saying, "I don't have confidence to create the money."

How could someone create the money? That is limitless. Personally, I sold a gun collection I had and cancelled my karate membership. A person could sell all their winter clothes, cancel subscriptions that don't make them money, go into their garage and/or storage unit and sell everything they haven't used in the past year.

Am I suggesting everyone do this? NO! I'm suggesting that everyone master the ability to talk to prospects because as long as you don't have confidence you will continually create reasons why the business doesn't and won't work.

I just received a similar question from one of my downline here was the question, with my response:

    From: Downline
    Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 2:31 PM
    To: Tim Sales
    Subject: Learning before doing

    When I get someone started they learn skills (Professional Inviter) and then we begin to promote.

    The problem I find is that my distributors are going to wait until they learn Professional Inviter perfectly before starting the business (it can take a few weeks).

    Would you change that?

    Tim's response:
    What's the alternative? Do before learning?

The solution to the problem is to reduce the time it takes to learn Professional Inviter. Also, a person can't learn Professional Inviter "perfectly" without actually calling prospects. So you shouldn't wait weeks to start inviting.

The solution is not: let them "burn their warm market!" Because then they will be very creative in how they "can't find any prospects after that."

As I say near the end of the Brilliant Compensation DVD, "Just get the ‘hard' out of the way. Confront what you're not good at and get good at it." So the answer to this person's question is really: LEARN TO INVITE WELL.

I hope this helps you.

Much respect and admiration,
Tim Sales

About the Author:
Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an MLM success. Learn how to become a true network marketing professional and sign up for his free MLM training newsletter at

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